Praise and glory be to God,the Lord almighty. In Christ alone I placed my trust and by His grace I'm blessed beyond all my imaginations. I want to encourage you today to tell that you are highly favored. Amen!
Today God gave this thought when I was listening to the interview of one of the famous Indian Gospel singer Sis Sarah Navaroji. She sang a song about the birth of Jesus Christ and she was narrating thats one of her best song that tells the good news about the birth of Jesus Christ. Please don't be surprised oh Na this is not Christmas season but she is writing about the birth of Jesus Christ.
But today is the day that you ought to know that you are highly favored. Read Luke 1:28 “The angel went to her and said, “Greetings,you who are highly favored!The Lord is with you”. Here the angel of the Lord says to Mary that you are highly favored and in turn she has been chosen to be one of the greatest vessel to bring forth the Son of God to this world. Why Mary has been chosen to bear GOD's son? The one key character that we can find in her is the true submission to the will of God. Fulfilling the will of God is not an easy task. Obedience and Trust on GOD without looking at the situation are the key aspects of what GOD is looking on the people. We read in Heb 11:1 :Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Are you looking for favor from God or from any people in regard to your situation?What is Favor? “The word translated ‘favor’ is . . . hen. This is the Hebrew word most often translated favor in our English versions, and it means friendly regard, approval, or gracious kindness.”.I have listed few verses which states how God's people found favor from the Lord. Also I would like to mention few people whom GOD had showed HIS favor. Mary,the mother of Jesus,Esther,Ruth,David and the list goes on as we read in the bible.
“1Sam. 2:26 And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men.”
“Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
God's favor has been bestowed only to the people who are ready to do HIS will. Jesus said ‘Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. Let me post you a question. How does the life of David reflect the favor of God? Did David do anything to deserve this favor? Yes he did. He waited on the Lord patiently to fulfill the will as he has been revealed.
“Have you ever thought about what you want to be remembered for after you’re gone? What would “If I can, I want to help you glimpse God’s hand of favor already at work in your life. Maybe you’ve had an eye-opening experience of His favor, but you didn’t recognize it.” Take a few minutes and write down some ways God has already shown you His favor in your life.
Lord, I seek You and want to know You. I cannot go anywhere and enjoy ultimate success without the favor of God. I ask you today for the favor of God to fall upon me and my family. I ask for the favor of God upon all my relationships. I ask for the favor of God upon my career. Please set your loving gaze upon me, and get all the forces of heaven behind me because of Your mercy and grace. Help me to get myself into position to receive the awesome favor of God. May your favor be a testimony of my relationship to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God Bless You !
In Christ Alone
Justina Stephen