Are you snoozing the voice of God?
Good Morning Holy Spirit - Daily Devotion
Good Morning Friend, Are you a person of sleeping through the alarm? Do you use the snooze button more before you rise up? We have heard and read from the facts that world’s most successful people has a good morning routine. According to them, the biggest disaster is hitting the snooze button. Even the experts established that hitting the snooze button actually increase tiredness and make you feel drowsy.
Just want to put forth this question to you. How long you have been hitting your snooze button to the voice of God. Is anything in your life God deals with you constantly? You know very well that God is speaking to you through various modes but are you being slumber in your spirit. You have the desire to see God’s vision & manifestation in your life but just hitting the snooze button when its time for action. Are you there now? Nothing comes by its own, it requires your effort & willingness.
We all know the story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector, a short man. He was climbing up the tree to get a clear vision of Jesus. We see that Jesus went and stayed with him in his house. We read this in Luke 19 : 1-10. Two things he did : 1) He wasn’t lazy or has reasons, he made an effort (climb up the tree) to get a clear vision of Jesus 2) He welcomed Jesus gladly and be willing to give off his possessions.
What is the effort it requires from your side to get a clear vision of Jesus – Is it getting up early & setting apart a time with him, to make a conscious effort to overcome the addictions? What are your possessions (resources), which you are ready to share to welcome him gladly?
Are we ready to rise at once not hitting the snooze button to the voice of God?
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If
anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that
person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20
Have a blessed day!
In Christ Alone
Justina Stephen
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