Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Wake Up!


Wake Up!

What are you still waiting for? Your work is undone in the sight of God…

Revelation 3 : 2Wake up and strengthen and reaffirm what remains [of your faithful commitment to Me], which is about to die; for I have not found [any of] your deeds completed in the sight of My God or meeting His requirements.

Dear Friend,

Are you thinking that your vision and calling is almost dead? Are you living in guilt for not obeying God’s calling? You know very clearly deep inside your heart the perfect plan God has set for you to build His Kingdom. However, suddenly have you started feeling that you don’t have the potential and doubting to meet God’s requirements which led you to neglect the calling? Have you started to feel comfortable to have the appearance of life while being spiritually dead? Your spirit is willing, but your flesh is not. 

If you fall under any of these categories, then this message is for you! God is not done with you yet and He is giving you another chance.

You and I sometimes do foolish things, makes foolish choices from time to time and commit mistakes. God is calling us to wake up and HE is warning us that it’s enough to be sluggish. The above-mentioned verse is from the Book of Revelation, the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave his servant John who testifies to everything he saw, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 3: 2 was written to the Church in Sardis. Sardis is one of the seven churches of Asia mentioned in the book of Revelation. Jesus told the apostle John, “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea” (Revelation 1:11). Jesus also gave John specific messages for each of the churches.

Here, Jesus is giving the church at Sardis a warning to repent and turn back to God. It sounds as if most of the believers in the church had become spiritually complacent and weak. They were no longer actively perusing a fervent spiritual lifestyle. It is still relevant to us. Wake Up – It is time to take action to change, to obey His calling. He never wants our names to blot out from the book of life. If we do not wake up, He will come like a thief, and we will not know at what time He will come to us. Don’t you want to walk with Him in white? (Revelation 3: 3, 4).

You have tasted His goodness and experienced His presence and mighty power. Would you not want your fellow believers, your besties, your family to experience the same? Strengthen and reaffirm the calling. How can you strengthen yourself? By prayer, hearing, reading, and meditating the word of GOD gaining the knowledge of the truth, good desires, and convictions of sin, of depravity and weakness, pride, self-confidence, lukewarmness, indolence, levity, or the love of the world. GOD desires you to be an overcomer of all and meet the commitments you made to Him. Will you? He is waiting on you and do not make your calling die.

In Christ Alone,

Justina Jausline