Thursday, November 19, 2020

Watch out your feeds!

Watch out your feeds!

                                     Good Morning Holy Spirit - Daily Devotion

Good Morning Friend, as we all are aware food is vital for our living. The Lord created us with a need to eat in order to physically survive. On the other side, this digital transformation era also became a vital section of our living. Scrolling through our social media feeds is much as part of our daily routine as eating, sleeping and to the more we can confidently say as breathing. Do you agree with me?

Certainly, I am not against the social media. It is a very good platform, which facilitates the sharing of thoughts, ideas, information, helping us to stay in connect with our friends in our own pace & time.

When we open Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, twitter, etc, the feed widget is a great thought imposed by these social media giants using certain machine learning algorithms. The order of photos and videos in our feed will be based on the likelihood of our interest in the content such as fashion, fitness, food, media & entertainment and the relationship with the person posting. 

However, how do we utilize it? Now we have unlimited range of devices and carriers which connects us to the world wide web 24/7, is it hindering our connect with God? There are some category of people who spends most of their available time & gets addicted to watching the news, technology related info, food channels, online windows shopping, fitness pages & videos. It is time to rethink and realign. 

If you are fallen a prey into the below mentioned habits, it is time for getting us back on track with our race set for us. We are accountable for the time, which God has given us. If we meet any of the below criteria s, which indicates our run is not focused

  1.  Are you starting & finishing your day with social media feed or are you fed by God’s word?
  2.  Is the number of hours which you spent on social media is more than the time that you spend alone with God?
  3. Do you want to spend time in social media to vent out your stress?
  4. Whose messages are you looking the first thing in the morning? Is it from the word of God or from any other means?
The little we start off, the more it will lead us to bondage. However, we can get rid off this if we have a focused mindset with a constant, conscious effort to overcome.

Some of the practical ways that helped me to overcome/declutter my time on social media :
  1. Logout from the social media accounts when not in used
  2. Set a designated time to check your social media accounts
  3. Turn off the notifications from the apps which is taking away your attention & time
  4. If feasible, delete the apps from your mobile and check from your laptop/desktop. Having it in mobile will prone to more time consumption

·        I have read this statement recently in a social media, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. It is by the Grace we are saved but it does not mean it is a free pass.  

     Focus on a healthy living and watch out the feeds!! 

     Matthew 4:4 it is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 

     Have a blessed day!

In Christ Alone

Justina Jausline

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