Saturday, November 7, 2020

Know your discipline!

Know your discipline!

                                                 Good Morning Holy Spirit – Daily Devotion

Good Morning Friend, Now that we know our race, our coach, next we need to follow judiciously the instructions/rules of our coach. As we know that, the life rules for Christian living prescribed in the Bible. Hence, repeatedly the importance of reading the word insisted on us. (Gal. 3:24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith).A quick snippet of the rules for Christian living written by the apostle Paul referred in Romans 12: 9 -21

Is winning a game comes effortlessly? Nope. Anyone who competes in a game goes into strict training abiding the rules. (Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7)

Is it okay if we just do not follow some of the rules? Sadly no. Athletes can be disqualified if they break even one rule. We, the child of God likewise should follow rules in our everyday life in order to successfully award in heaven. 2 Timothy 2:5: An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules”

We can live our life for lot of other reasons, we can aim for lot of different goals, we can do lot of different things with our time and energy but what is your choice? Have we made a choice that I want to win.  Have we decided that my time, talent and treasure not mine anymore? Have we realized that this race is my life? Everyone else can make lot of other choices. What is our decision? Have we decided to spend becoming one with him?

If we have realized that, we just do not run but we run to win the prize. Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24

 Are you ready for the commitment? 👉

I have to be disciplined, I have to be focused, I have to be excellent, I must have a purpose in everything that I do. I am the boss of my body and I have to make it do what it should do. I have to take captive of my every thought to be obedient to Christ. I have to play by the rules and I do not want to be disqualified. This is not just a practice and I want to win. I will not compliant and argue with haters or listen to critics. I know I am different from everyone, which is going to make me shine. I am going to get out there every single day and do what I need to win. I will get rid of anything that slows me down, weighs me down. My hands and knees may feel weak. It may feel like I’m tired in doing good to others but I keep stronger everyday as my eyes are fixed on Him.

I got something to do that goes to finish the line. Everything that I poured out my life is preparing me for this that I am going to meet Jesus face to face.

Do you want Jesus to say?  That was a great race, well done daughter/ son welcome home!!😍👏

Have a blessed Weekend!😇

In Christ alone

Justina Stephen

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