Thursday, November 5, 2020

Know your coach!

Know your coach!

                                   Good Morning Holy Spirit – Daily Devotion

Good Morning Friend, Now that we have signed up for the race  🏃, how to be trained to win the race. Before that, wouldn't be a great idea to identify a coach? What would be the role of a coach technically? What do we look from a coach?

Coach aims to get the best performance out of an individual or a team. Coach plays multiple roles instructor, assessor, counselor, helper, demonstrator, motivator, and a clear communicator.

Do you wonder do we have a coach? Yes, We do have! 

We have a lifetime coach, the Holy Spirit on the day we signed up for the race. (Jesus told his disciples “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth... John 14:16, 17”). He lives in us and plays the role of a coach (Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? I Corinthians 3: 16”)

What does He do to us?

 He instructs/teaches us from the word of God to live a life in-order to win the prize (John 14:26 “the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you”

 He assess us regularly and convicts us when we are not following the instructions that is hindering our victory (“The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God's justice and the judgment. John 16:8”). He convicts us but never condemns us. Conviction lead us to repent whereas condemnation lead us in despair

He counsels us and makes us understand & enable us to overcome the fear of losing the game. God speaks to us by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 8:14-16)

He is a helper and never once will say there is no hope for you to win the race however weak we are and the sufferings which may need to endure to come out as victorious (“the Spirit helps us in our weakness.. Romans 8 : 26”)

 He demonstrated himself to us on how to live a life of victory

Now that we are assured under whom we are getting trained, is that alone enough for us to win the race? Probably not, it requires an effort and a discipline from us. He facilitates us but we need to be disciplined, productive to win the race!

Stay tuned till tomorrow to know the disciplines we need to follow to win✌😇

 Have a blessed day!

 In Christ alone

Justina Stephen

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